Wednesday, November 20, 2002

How do you tell a girl how much you love her?

By Warren Kramer, Editor of Daily Wisdom

You don't.
[my personal take: just tell her you love her and show/prove it to her -- para walang assumptions and confusions]
You show her.
You be her friend.
You be there for her when she needs someone to talk to.

You cry with her when she is sad, and you are happy for her when she succeeds at something, even if - no, make that ESPECIALLY if - she does that thing better than you do. And you do all you can to see that she succeeds at things often.

You give her what she needs, when she needs it, emotionally I mean, not "things."

And if you do really love her, not just think she is hot, or are infatuated with her, you will do all this expecting nothing in return. And I mean NOTHING.

If you expect anything from her, you do not love her, you just want to be loved by her. Everyone wants to be loved, but to be loved, you must love.

If you do these things well, one day she will come to you and confide in you about something she feels badly about, because, if you do these things well enough for long enough, it will be you she will want to confide in. When she does, you make sure she knows that it matters to you that this bothers her. If you have advice for her, save it until you are sure she knows you care, and that her feelings matter very much to you.

Once you are sure of this, you may offer your advice, but know that the caring is more important than your idea of how the problem might be "fixed."

Loving her is not admiring the way she looks or anything else about her. These may be among the reasons you are attracted to her, but they are not acts of loving. Loving her is a series of actions, things you do for her, for no other reason than you love her.

Loving her is not wanting her to give you attention, or to give you anything for that matter. Loving her is wanting to give, not get. That is how you love someone. You give to them all you can give and expect nothing back. Once you have done these things well enough for long enough, and her eyes tell you she longs to hear you tell her, then you will have earned the right to tell her how much you love her.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002


God made woman from man's rib-
not from his head to top him,
nor from his feet to be walked upon;
but from his side to be his partner in life,
from under his arm to be protected by him,
and from near his heart to be loved by him.

Monday, November 04, 2002


Loneliness bites at the heart
of those who never learned to love
It eats the soul
of those who don't believe in love
But why would I talk of loneliness when...
your presence defies Loneliness?

Thursday, October 31, 2002

on love...

Sometimes we close our eyes and just listen to the echoes of our hearts. We all fall in love and there are times when we love so much that we lose ourselves in our own emotions.

More often than not, we wonder why there are love that grows, and love that grows cold. We would start to search for answer and try to find where love has gone wrong. But in the end, we find ourselves where we started for we cannot question love when it has its own reasons. Love will always be as it always has been.. silent, mysterious and deeply profound.

Many of us believe that love is forever, that love never dies, only to be disillusioned in the end when we find our hands empty and our hearts longing. We mistakenly have looked at love as a need to be fulfilled.

But love is only a gift given to us. We should not hold it in our hands for we may never find strength to let it go when it decides to leave. We should only embrace its warmth and glow while it last and then freely open our arms when its time to say goodbye.

When we fall in love with someone, we don't want that feeling to end for its everything we are, everything that we wanted to be. We pray that love will stay and grow in our hearts. But, if it doesn't then we should never let our lives be taken by it, for life should not end where heartaches begin.

There is always a reason why we have to move on. When we have to say goodbye to the feelings we wanted to stay forever, let us not have our hands with heavy heart. For love will have to set its wings free and find the place where it belongs. We may have lost it but then again, when we close our eyes and listen to the echoes of our hearts we will hear that feeling resounding silently forever.

Then we'll know that it has never left us, for the good that we have become of love will always stay. It will always be there reminding us that we should be thankful and happy, not because we have lost love, but because, for once in our lives that feeling lived in our hearts and made us happy.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002


Sometimes, when I look back and think of all the

could-have-beens in my life,

I often wonder:

Did I make the right choice....

Did I miss a road sign....

Am I on the right track....

C R O S S R O A D S.....

They happen all the time,

Saying goodbye to some,

Choosing only one.

Letting go, holding on...settling for now,

But facing what must come.....

Yes, in life we all reach a crossroad sometime. We make painful decisions and take some risks as we pursue our dreams.

But one should not stay at the CROSSROADS too long. For even the birds have to leave their nests sometime & learn how to fly.

Life's road is long & rough, and there are stretches when one has to do it all alone.

And should you meet the cross at the road, be consoled.

Yes, more often than not, the road less travelled will surely bring you home.

Face the light and the shadow falls behind you.

Turn your back & the shadow stays in front of you.

Indeed, the truth hurts, but it will surely set you free.

The bitter pangs of parting will give birth to

another moment called GROWING.

So grow on.....until it's time for you to move

on....and face the crossroads again,

Knowing that God loves you and is in control of everything.

Be strong at the crossroads.

Embrace the CROSS at the ROAD.

The Lord is at the cross, at the road,

at all your CROSSROADS......

Sunday, September 08, 2002

ironies of my life...

I have my own way of pretending to be insensitive and I’m often glad of that. I have my own way of making people laugh, making those who weep cheer up, making people smile and be happy. Ironically, I myself am weeping deep inside. I myself can’t laugh from my heart. I myself am sad.

the virtue of waiting and God's perfect will

Good things come to those who wait. Do not settle for less than the best keep waiting until God decides, in His Own perfect time to give you things beyond your wildest dreams.