Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Aklan Photoblog #1

Another opportunity to explore the Philippines; this time, it's the Province of Aklan -- home to the Ati-atihan Festival and the famous Boracay Island. I was both challenged and excited when I learned that our project there will push through. Being the usual me who try to see something that can be a source of fun even when faced with the most daunting task, I just tried to think of the brighter side of it -- the fulfillment when we get positive results from the project + a chance to explore yet another province of the Philippines.

The initial trip was for our baseline study on the Province's systems in place to address violence against women (VAW) cases. The study is a preparatory work for the province-wide roll-out of the VAW Documentation System which the Philippine Commission on Women is putting in place. It is a rather ambitious endeavor, but we wouldn't see any grand dream come to reality if no one dared to make it come true, right? So, there we go...how do we make it happen in the entire Province of Aklan? First things first, know the place and what it has to offer thus, the baseline study. We decided to use the Performance Standards and Assessment Tools for Services Addressing Violence against Women in the Philippines in conducting the research, so that's my part. Our other agenda was to checkout available training venues in the Province in preparation for the series of training that we will conduct in the following months. Our original itinerary:
June 6, 2012 | AM flight to Kalibo then checkout nearby training venues with people from the Provincial Government
June 7, 2012 | whole day orientation for the service providers regarding the project and the baseline study
June 8, 2012 | continuation of training venue scouting, PM flight back to Manila 
 *Oh, we initially planned to have our return flight booked on a later date so that we can go to Boracay (our own expense of course!) but the plan didn't materialize because I have to fly back to Manila after the orientation on June 7 in order to be present in the writeshop that the office scheduled June 8 to prepare concept notes for another major project proposal. 
So here, here is a glimpse of my first trip to Aklan...
*Photo credit: Kuya Darwin Tejerero's Nikkon D300. My bad, I left my Sony point and shoot in the van that we used in Kalibo! :(

Registration and Kit Distribution Lineup. The brown envelope and pencil kit reminds me of grade school days!
That's a police officer signing the registration sheet. One grand salute to PNP-Aklan Women and Children Protection Desk Officers -- they are the early birds and they come in full force!
Opening Program | An officer from the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office speaks before the audience.

Opening Program | Mr. Franklin Quimpo represented and conveyed the Governor's message. Incidentally, Sir Frank is also an active member of MOVE (men opposed to violence against women everywhere) a group of male advocates who commit to be actively involved in the elimination of VAW. 

Robert Matthew Romero, PCW-ICT Unit
Head introduces the project to the audience

Robert also gave an overview of the
VAW Documentation System
Robert's illustration on the VAWDocS
Honey M. Castro of PCW Policy Development and Advocacy Division (Yep, that's me!) discussing the baseline study that PCW is conducting as a preparatory work for the roll-out of VAWDocS in the entire Province of Aklan.

...This is the moment when all I've done; when all the dreaming scheming and screaming become one. This is the day see it sparkle and shine when all I've lived for becomes mine.. Nah, I didn't sing! I just told them that we are going to use the Performance Standards and Assessment Tool for the baseline study and guided them to how to answer the tool.

Okey class, get your books and turn to page 54, where you will find the assessment questionnaires.   :) Feeling teacher lang! But see, I've got attentive audience :) 

Kuya Darwin got to talk too! Impromptu talk to discuss the ICT survey that he prepared.

Oh no, may quiz? Nah, that's not a quiz
but we gave them homework. :)

Discussion of next steps | Robert 
facilitated the discussion, while I 
take notes of the agreements for 
everyone to see on the screen.

Photo ops | Saludo ako sa Aklan-PNP Women and Children Protection Desk Officers!
Keep up the good work mga Ateng Pulis, ipakita niyo ang tunay na kahulugan ng public service!


Official Visit | The Provincial Prosecutor was unable to attend the orientation due to an urgent concern. Fortunately, Ms. Grace Quimpo of the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office who is a dedicated member of the Gender and Development Team of Aklan, thought of trying to visit the Prosecutor's Office after our activity. So, we went to this office located inside the Provincial Capitol Compound.

That's me discussing the VAWDocS Project and the baseline study that we are conducting using the VAW Performance Standards with Atty. Lourdes Q. Mayor, Provincial Prosecutor of Aklan. She said that it was her first time to hear about and see the tool, and thanked us for giving her a copy of it so she can study and see what she can do so that they will be able to follow and meet the standards. 

Since we accomplished everything rather early for my 7:15 PM flight, our partners from the Provincial Government was kind enough to bring me and the guys to the nearest tourist destination in Kalibo -- New Washington Aklan's Sampaguita Gardens, home to Precious Moments cutie stuff!
Welcome billboard at the entrance. 
A seemingly endless number of this angel statue are lined up on both sides of the entrance road.
The person behind Sampaguita Gardens: Samuel John Butcher, an American artist and creator of Precious Moments artworks that promote messages of loving, caring and sharing. 

The Chapel's walls are painted with these...

Can you find me? 
That's me at the souvenir shop :)
With Kuya Darwin @ the souvenir shop where he bought a super cute doll for the dear daughter. Sweet!
Just one of the many good spots for photo ops. Since we have to rush back to Kalibo for my flight, we were not able to take much photos. For sure, I will go back to this place and have enough time to appreciate its beauty, and capture great photos of a happy me!

With our accommodating hosts from the Provincial Government of Aklan. 
Maraming salamat! Promise, I will be back to get to experience more of Aklan.

A new year's gift from Ate Nova, this book
saved me from eternal boredom while waiting
for my boarding time. I find it an interesting 
and thought-provoking read, so I got hooked 
and continued reading it on board until my 
plane landed in Manila.

We rushed back to Ati-atihan Hostel in Kalibo to get my things. Since it was already around 5:30 and I have to be in the airport at 6PM, I told them that I will just skip our scheduled dinner and they can just drop me off at the airport.

It was still early when I checked-in. I traveled back to Manila alone since the guys will have to continue scouting for training venues the next day. The airport was rather small and jam-packed -- there were notices of delayed flights, complaining passengers, food distribution for stranded ones, pinoys and foreigners mostly travelling with family or friends, food and coffee stalls, massage therapy stalls etc. I sat there alone with my sling bag containing my wallet, mobile phone, i-pod and a book which I just grabbed from my shelf and stuck in my backpack the morning I left. I opted not to use the i-pod so that I will be able to hear the announcements, so I just sat there and read the book.

Luckily, my PAL flight was just right on time (oh boy, when I traveled to Gen. Santos last March via Cebu Pacific, my flight from and to Manila was so delayed!), although it was kind of turbulent most of the time. Good thing it was just an hour flight, and I don't really freak out with that. I took a yellow metered cab from Terminal 2 (it rained in Manila and on times like that, it is best to take NAIA taxi because they have to choice but to bring you to your destination no matter where it is in the Metropolis. Yep, they are more expensive than regular cabs but you cannot guarantee that the regular cabs will take you when your destination is just so far -- yep they are prohibited from choosing passengers/destination, but they do that anyway.) For some unfortunate reason, my cab's left headlight died down somewhere in Pasay (it was still near the airport). Manong driver was apologetic and asked me is it was alright if he transfer me to a regular cab. I was quite frustrated but what can I do? Good thing, the first white cab which he buzzed for me agreed to take me to Commonwealth Avenue-Don Antonio without hesitation. I actually had fun talking with the driver as we go through the snail-paced traffic of metro cities going to my place. I was finally home before midnight. I just put down my bags, rest for a while then prepared to call it a night, since I have to catch the 7:30 AM van at Philcoa which will bring us to the venue of our writeshop in Ortigas.


  1. love your blog! -eloi (ni robert)
