Monday, July 23, 2012

Reporting for duty @ 7 something in the morning

Anticipating mass actions, closed roads, counter flows and traffic rerouting along Commonwealth Avenue due to SONA, I left home very early (after struggling to resist the temptation of hugging my pillows and sticking to my bed on a cold and rainy dawn). Arrived @ 7 something in the office this morning. After jumping off the jeepney with my backpack ang Jollibee, Pancho (the guard on duty) couldn't contain his wide grin as he greeted me, "good morning ma'am, ang aga mo ah!" walking through the still dimly-lit lobby of the main building, Ana (the usually silent lady assigned to clean that area) smiled at me and said, "ma'am ang aga mo ngayon!" Nah, don't dare ask me why they're surprised... I just laughed and told them, "traffic sa Batasan ngayon, kapag mamaya pa ko umalis eh hindi na ko papasok!" (^_^) mag explain ba? Isip ulit ako ng reason bukas! hehehe...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

On being "mean"

I used to be silent. I'd rather keep mum, conform to the rules, settle for what's offered, and the list could go on. I come across as a snob for people who don't know me; for those who dared to dig deeper, I am Ms. Goody Two-shoes; for those few who dived with me as I swim through life, I am a living oxymoron. Circumstances change, people grow up; and when I finally gathered enough courage to speak out and say what really runs through my mind (yep, not only the good ones), some would say I am mean. Oh, whatever! Just add that to the list of oxymoron that I am because anyway, I am Honey –  you find me either sweet or stingy.