Wednesday, September 20, 2006

music trip: relevance

busy...busy...busy...listening to relevance...busy...busy...busy

can't you see that i don't really have a choice at all? if only for the taste of flight, i'd gladly take the fall...

busy? shake it off baby! hehehe... gave me reason you're all i'll always be here in my heart gave me reason to live...

...our hearts and though they beat as one, the the time for us will never come so i just go on and just remember those eyes that look right through my eyes...

....and i can't wait to see what life has in store for another lifetime another world where you and i can be another set of chances, i'll take the ones i missed and make you mine..if only for a while my life would matter in another life...coz i do believe what's not meant to be wasn't meant for no...

ay-yay-ay! wala, music trip lang! i love you talaga gary v!!!

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