Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kimmidoll Collection - Keychains

Who says you can't have more key chains than actual keys? If that is a rule then I am breaking it! haha.. How could I not have more key chains when they are this adorable?

Hiro means Generosity

Mamiko means Friendly

Miho means Artistic

Nobuko means Believe

Satoko means Sincerity

Tsukiko means Confident

Kimmidoll Mini Collection

It's still Christmas Season, but am not going to sing The Twelve Days of Christmas; instead, I am posting Eleven Kimmidoll minis from my own collection. These are currently sealed inside utility boxes though because our home is under construction. Can't wait to have these displayed in my bedroom!

Kanako means Flamboyant

Mana means Lovely

Michi means Wisdom

Natsuki meand Courageous

Nonoko means Carefree

Rie means Healing

Sayaka means Pure Beauty

Sonoko means Caring Friend

Sonomi means Friendship

Yumeko means Dreamchild

Yumika means Kindness

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

of challenges, denied chances and changes

I do love challenges. I usually outdo others in performing the most daunting tasks because they tend to give up and walk away, but I just go on and face it. I am afraid of a lot of things, yes; but I won't allow myself to fail without giving it a try, if not a good fight. Na-ah, I'm not a war freak or some kind of a self-centered brat, I do play fair; I despise it when I see injustice. I also know when to backoff, to keep it cool by walking away for a while, and even to give-up because I decided to change what I want.

I was just hoping that I would be given a chance; that he would try to give us a try. But that seems to be something that is so illusive. Sometimes, I even wonder if he is an unidentified descendant of Andres Bonifacio...paano kasi talo pa ang bato ng monumento sa pagka-dense!

Change of heart...I seldom do that, but there are times when there are more challenges than chances; when things just won't fall into place; when all odds seem to come between you and what you long for. It just gets so tiring to keep on trying that I just want to stop. **sigh**

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2 kimmidolls 2 days before my birthday

Two more days and it's my birthday, so as an advance birthday gift, I bought myself two maxi kimmidolls: Ayana (Colorful) and Miyuna (Graceful).

Ayana (Colorful) | Kimmidoll 2013 Collection (Maxi doll)
Miyuna (Graceful) | Kimmidoll 2013 Collection (Maxi doll)

I am praying for and looking forward to a new journey. I hope I can get it for if not, I might find myself on my way to an entirely different world in no time. Like the virtues that these dolls represent, may I have a colorful and graceful year ahead...this is my birthday wish.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Whimsy Wednesday's hoping to see you later, sweetie...


good morning!

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Kimmidoll Emiko (Laughter)
Here's another Kimmidoll Keychain: Emiko (Laughter)

Kimmidoll Chikako (Insightful)
A purple maxi doll for me: Chikako (Insightful)

Also bought this in keychain for a post-Christmas gathering and gift-giving with the Titas and the Lolas ;-). It was my first time to attend such gathering (baptism of fire, eh?!), and I was surprised when they said that we should explain to the one who picked our numbered gifts why we chose to give such. Good thing I decided to write something on the gift card attached to the ribbon-laden packaging (I love the gift wrapping services of Rustan's gateway by the way); and that something is exactly what they required us to explain! Oh, I really believe that I have the gift of foresight, which to my observation very few people has :-). Ooopss, did I mention that the Chikako keychain ended up with one of the founders of the organization? Oh yeah, the PAPP! ;-)

Kimmidoll Arisa (Brave)
Mini Kimmidoll: Arisa (Brave)

I guess I need more of this virtue ;-)

Kimmidoll Amika (Love)
Another mini doll: Amika (Love)

Kimmidoll Ako (Charming)
Meet AKO (CHARMING), an addition to my Kimmidoll keychains

The Kimmidoll keychain doesn't come with a Collectors' card enclosed, but sometimes you just can't find a mini or maxi doll with that charming design. :-)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

shooting star

Para kang shooting star...

...tinatanaw lang kita dati pero mahuhulog ka rin nga lang, sa iba!

...natuwa ako nang makita ka pero panandalian lang pala dahil nawala ka rin bigla na parang bula!

...akala ko mahuhulog ka na sa akin yun pala, nagpakita ka lang para ako ay paasahin na ikaw ang tutupad sa aking hiling!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

of walking dead and life phases

"What am I doing with my life? I'm so pale. I should get out more. I should eat better. My posture's horrible. I should stand up straighter. People would respect me more if I stood up straighter. What's wrong with me? I just want to connect. Why can't I connect with people? 

Oh, right, it's cause I'm dead. I shouldn't be so hard on myself, I mean, we're all dead. This girl's dead. That guy's dead. That guy in the corner is definitely dead. These guys look awful.

I wish I could introduce myself but I don't remember my name anymore. I mean, think it started with an R but that's all I have left. I can't remember my name or my parents or my job. Although my hoodie would suggest I was unemployed. 

Sometimes I look at the others and try to imagine what they were. You were a janitor. You were the rich son of a corporate CEO. You were a personal trainer and now you're a corpse. I have a hard time piecing together how this whole apocalypse thing happened. Could have been chemical warfare, or airborne virus or a radioactive outbreak monkey but it doesn't matter. This is what we are now. This is a typical day for me. I shuffle around, occasionally bumping into people, unable to apologize or say much of anything. It must have been so much better before when everyone could express themselves, communicate their feelings and just enjoy each other's company. A lot of us have made our home here at this airport. I don't know why. People wait at airports, I guess, but I'm not sure what we're all waiting for.

Oh man, they call these guys bonies. They don't bother us much but they'll eat anything with a heartbeat. I mean, I will too but at least I'm conflicted about it. We all become them someday. At some point you just give up I guess. You lose hope. After that there's no turning back. Oh man, gross, don't pick at it. You're making it worse. This is what I have to look forward to. It's kind of a bummer. I don't want to be this way. I'm lonely. I'm lost. Wait, I'm literally lost. I've never been in this part of the airport before. 

This is my best friend. By best friend I mean we occasionally grunt and stare awkwardly at each other. We even have almost conversations sometimes. Days pass this way but sometimes we even find actual words, words like 'hungry' and 'city.'"

Na-ah..I am not really a fan of vampire movies or series, but somehow I can relate well with these lines of R at the beginning of the movie Warm Bodies. Perhaps this is just one of those seasonal phases when I say, "don't mind me that much, may pinagdadaanan lang."

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sevens have a fear of being deprived, of being in pain. They tend to be lighthearted and sunny, often addicted to planning and play. Sevens are buoyed by a belief that life is unlimited -- there are always interesting things to do.

Possible origins. Faced with a frightening early life, Seven children diffused their fear by escaping into the limitless possibilities of imagination. They have pleasant memories of their childhood years. Even with an objectively bad scenario, there is little residue of hatred or blame. The skew of attention is toward positive memory. By moving toward pleasure and away from pain, they tend to remember the best.

Flawed Sevens can allow their appetites to get out of control. This is characterized by a bodily hunger for excitement and experience. Sevens have a gourmet taste for experience, little tastes of the very best, rather than an overdose of a single experience meal. Typically they cannot stand inactivity. They stay active, but that activity is not necessarily productive: it has a restless quality about it. They delight in making plans for the future but are not good at following through on them. As managers, they may introduce fascinating but conflicting options. They don't like to give and enforce direct orders. They try to make everyone feel like an equal participant in order to eliminate the possibility of confrontation.

Well-Adapted Sevens get over their intense fear of being deprived. Instead of consuming life, they learn to contemplate it, to plumb the depths of experience rather than to merely skim its surface. They overcome their wariness of others sufficiently to form, selectively, close and long-term attachments. They stick with tasks and occupations long enough to do them justice. Their enthusiasm and pleasure they take in what they do is infectious. Sevens are sought after for their enthusiasm and vitality and for their desire to share the enjoyment they feel.

They bring an optimism to their work, and once they get engaged they can get a lot done and take contagious pleasure in their accomplishment. At their best, they are highly productive generalists, talented in a variety of areas. Precocious as children, they grow up to be especially intelligent and multi-talented. They may settle successfully into roles in which they can apply their abundant practical intelligence to executing short-run plans or exploring new territory.

Occupations. The entertainment field is filled with Sevens, both well-adapted and flawed. Sevens are often editors, writers, or storytellers. As managers, they are the jacks-of-all-trades, knowledgeable and skilled in a number of areas. Because they learned at a young age to fend for themselves, they are survivors who are good people to have around when an organization is having trouble keeping its head above water. They are planners and synthesizers and idea gatherers.

Finding Oneself:Sevens will probably agree with most of the following statements:
I tend to make things interesting, to make things nice.
There are very few things in life which I can't enjoy.
I usually look on the bright side of things and don't look for the negative side of life.
"I must be defective if I need help."
People say I'm often the life of the party.
I often feel stuck and bored with commitment -- I like to keep my options open.
I tend to be very enthusiastic about the future.
I seem to be attached to youth and energy.
Most of the time I avoid getting into really "heavy" issues.
I find myself expressing anger by making fun of the problem.


Thursday, August 08, 2013

random thoughts of a bothered soul

  • Sometimes, our deepest sentiments are best expressed in silence.
  • In everything, one must learn to draw and redraw boundaries.
  • Often, we are fearful of the uncertain hence we reject changes; but once we just go with the flow, we will realize the positive effects of such change.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Disturbed Over Reports of Government Plan to Decriminalize Prostitution

I am bothered and confused about various  reports  in last night's news saying that the Criminal Code Committee under the Department of Justice  is looking into decriminalizing prostitution in the New Criminal Code which they are crafting.

The Philippine Commission on Women has been consistent in its advocacy for the decriminalization of persons exploited in prostitution, but not for decriminalizing the whole industry of prostitution which is actually tantamount to making it legal in the country -- these are two different paradigms. I think this matter ought to be clarified. Is the DOJ-CCC really keen on decriminalizing the entire industry thereby making it legal, or are they only referring to Article 202? This is another instance when the words or terminologies that we use matter so much that the whole point of what we want to convey can be lost or thwarted.  As far as I know, PCW's position on the matter has been raised to the DOJ-CCC. The advocacy is to repeal Article 202 of the 1932 RPC, which penalizes and defines "prostitutes" as "WOMEN who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct" and enact a special criminal law that will give more teeth Article 341 of the RPC, which criminalizes those who make exploit people (take note of "people" -- contrary to what Article 202 asserts, men, boys and girls are also being lured or forced into prostitution, not only women).

During the recently concluded 15th Congress, PCW has circulated this briefer regarding the Anti-Prostitution  Bill (source: PCW website -- :

Anti-Prostitution Bill
ENACTING AN ANTI-PROSTITUTION LAW:  Addressing the System of Prostitution in the Philippines, Imposing Penalties on Perpetrators, and Providing Protective Measures and Support Services for Victims; Repealing Articles 202 and 341 of the Revised Penal Code

Prostitution is an exploitative system that commodities and dehumanizes women, men and children who are being sold within the system. As a form of sexual exploitation, prostitution violates a person’s human rights. It reinforces the subordinate status of the more vulnerable individuals who are more often, women and children; as it serves the instant sexual gratification of the more privileged “clientele” who are mostly male.

Poverty is the oft-cited factor that led to the burgeoning number of prostituted persons. More often than not, women and children trapped into prostitution are poor, uneducated, and sometimes sexually abused. They have been trafficked -- recruited, usually through deception, force or intimidation, and forced and kept into prostitution through threats or actual acts of violence, until such time when the victims start believing that there is no other life for them outside of prostitution.

Our existing law, specifically Article 202 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC) penalizes and defines “prostitutes” as "WOMEN who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct.” Republic Act No. 10158 (March 27, 2012) which amended RPC Article 202, repealed only the provisions that pertain to vagrancy thus leaving behind the provision that penalizes prostitutes, notwithstanding their exploitation within the system of prostitution.

Addressing the system of prostitution through legislation is an initial step for the Philippine Government to fulfill its national and international mandates, like:

The Philippine Plan for Gender Responsive Development (PPGD) – set the government’s policy framework on prostitution by viewing prostitution as a human rights violation and identifying the decriminalization of women in prostitution as a starting point in addressing the problem. According to the PPGD, “the desired effect of such legislation is that women and children should no longer be arrested or fined like criminals.”

Republic Act 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) – Section 12 of this law provides for the amendment or repeal of laws that are discriminatory to women which, among others, include Article 202 of the Revised Penal Code.

The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women - Concluding Comments on the 5th and 6th Philippine Country Report (2006) – called on the Philippine Government to take appropriate measures to suppress the exploitation of prostituted women, including through the discouragement of the demand for prostitution.

We need to enact an anti-prostitution law that addresses the system of prostitution through the shifting of criminal liability from the prostituted persons, to those who “buy” people exploited in prostitution and those who make profit from such transactions (e.g. pimps and establishments involved in prostitution).

Redefine prostitution – as “any act, transaction, scheme or design involving the use or exploitation of another person, whether woman, man or child for the sexual gratification or pleasure of another in exchange for cash profit or other consideration.”

Target the demand side; criminalize those who exploit people in prostitution – The problem of prostitution will be effectively addressed if those who fuel its demand are penalized. Putting in place a national law which explicitly identifies those who buy persons in prostitution and other people and businesses involved in such activities will eventually reduce its demand.

Decriminalize women in prostitution; regard them as victims NOT criminals – RPC Article 202 which penalizes women in prostitution, should be amended. An effective Anti-Prostitution Law should recognize that prostitutes are not criminals but victims of the system of prostitution thus, they should be free from criminal liability. This, however, does not automatically exempt prostituted persons who themselves commit any of the prohibited acts of prostitution (such as pimping other people) from criminal liability.

Define person exploited in prostitution or a prostituted person – to refer to "a woman, man or child used, employed, or exploited for another person's sexual gratification or pleasure, and for the monetary gain or profit of others.”

Establish support mechanisms for prostituted persons to get out of the system of prostitution – recognize that the road to recovery for survivors of prostitution is long and arduous. The government shall facilitate the provision of support services to victims such as psycho-social counseling for to help them in their healing process; legal assistance in order to seek redress against the perpetrators; and referral to appropriate training and other government programs that will open for them doors to economic opportunities. 

The 12th Congress became the springboard for bills that seek to address prostitution by shifting from a definition of prostitution as a crime committed by prostitutes; to a crime committed by recruiters, pimps, bar owners and customers. A number of bills were also filed in the subsequent Congresses. 

In the 15th Congress, three (3) bills addressing the system of prostitution were filed in the Senate: SBN 711 by Sen. Jinggoy Estrada, SBN 1131 by Sen. Manny Villar and SBN 2341 by Sen. Pia Cayetano. The bills were referred to the Committees on Justice and Human Rights, and Constitutional Amendments, Revision of Codes and Laws which conducted a joint public hearing and technical working group meeting on December 14, 2010 and January 19, 2011 respectively. The said Committees have put together a draft substitute bill on Anti-Prostitution. [MY UPDATE: the consolidated bill has been filed and reported out by the Committee prior to adjournment of the last session].  In the Lower House, HBN 1656 by Rep. Rufus Rodriguez and HBN 1706 by Rep. Susan Yap were filed. The bills were referred to the Committee on Justice, which convened a technical working group meeting on January 19, 2011.

PCW also issued its  Statement on Prostitution and Curbing the Spread of HIV, following the release of a UN-commissioned study on HIV and AIDS and Prostitution in the Asia and the Pacific Region last year. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Turning Point

I am contemplating on creating a new blog that will feature quite a huge turning point in the story called my life, which for some reason, all happened in this very long and eventful day.

For now, all I could say is that I am happy.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My take on Vice Ganda's "gang rape joke" on Ms. Jessica Soho

I stand by those who say that rape is not a joke -- it is a crime, a violation of human rights, a cruel act that bring negative impact on the life of its victim. What bothers me is the fact that there were people who laughed at it. The thought of someone being raped -- or gang-raped for that matter is not something to laugh about, no matter how ridiculous a person looks or how bad a human being that person is. No one wants and no one deserves to be raped -- no matter how a person appears, how a person dresses up, what a person does for a living, what social strata a person comes from -- whoever the rapist is.

I condemn the tasteless and cruel act, but not the totality of the person who did it. I know that what Vice Ganda did was wrong, but I do not know him personally and I do not know his life story so I wont judge him apart from the joke that he played on Ms. Jessica Soho. I wish concerned people, fellow advocates and all those who felt bad about the incident would point out the bad that he person has done, but never wish or curse that something even worst would happen to him, for if we do that, how can we face the world and say that we know better about human rights, that we are more just, mature and rational?

I admire and give my hats off to GMA 7’s Ms. Jessica Soho for her statement which I quote: "I thank all those who shared my hurt and expressed their support, but this should not be about me but about rape victims who suffer tremendously from this terrible crime. The horrors they go through are unspeakable and should never be taken lightly, especially by way of a cruel joke." [Emphasis supplied]. Only a rational person oozing with self-respect and dignity can stay calm, dig deeper into the core of the issue, and be able to turn the situation into something that hopefully, will make people realize the immeasurable negative impact of rape as a crime against persons.

Before finally posting this entry, I browsed through ABS CBN’s website to check if Vice has issued any statement regarding this, but what is featured there is about him saying sorry to the network management for his long absence it is because he went to the province to be with his Lolo. As I have said above, I do not know his life story somehow, I believe that there is goodness and love inside him, and maybe the reason behind that disappearing act is proof to that soft spot. 

I could only hope that Vice will have another realization, this time about the gang-rape joke. I hope he will be responsible and brave enough to apologize publicly, and inform the public that rape violates a person and no one deserves to suffer such cruel act. He too, can come out and speak against the crime because whether people who despise him accept it or not, he has his own power to influence people young and old alike, so I hope he can use that power to become a positive influence for those who watch and listen to him.#

Monday, April 01, 2013

bye bye bear...

Yesterday has always been a special day for the past 14 years, but somehow I forgot posting my usual greeting here. Maybe it just finally hit me that no one cares about those posts anyway; or maybe it's just because some things are meant to last for a long time (say more than a decade), but not forever. Funny thing is, now that I can opt to greet the bear in a way that will most probably reach him, I just let his day pass without sending any word. Chicken? I don't really know, but maybe the bear is not for me.