Monday, April 02, 2007

Unsaid (Julianne)

do i have to lose you now
so i can gain you again some other time
do i have to take a bow
end the show before the curtain call 
do i have to look the other way
coz we just got too much to say
did it even have to be like this for you and i
i wanna know why
even if i know what i've been told
to let go means to surrender my control
but it isn’t easy to have loved and not survive
was it for the wrong reason?
or maybe to wrong season

coz i wanted this love to grow
i wanted to see it soar
i wanted to give a chance for the sun to kiss our eyes
so maybe we could see the light
behind our heart’s desires

do i have to be broken one last time
so i can be made whole again
do i have to be chastised to be saved
and rescued from the fire
do i have to be reminded of all this
that i don’t even own a thing to begin with
no right to claim
no right to put the blame
on anyone or anything 

do i have to watch you go ahead
leaving me without a word said
do i even get the opportunity to say my plea
i hope you’re now hearing me

i wanted to see the light
i wanted you to see the light
i wanted us to see the light 
open up your eyes; time to open up our eyes...

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