Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How Can I Tell You (Cat Stevens)

Dear Lola Macel,

Per your request, here is a copy of the lyrics of the song “how can I tell you.” I just hope we’ll still find time to sing this together, as you’ve mentioned. 

Teka, ano ba?! Parang seryoso raw ako! Anyway, highway, siyempre binasa ko muna yun lyrics bago ko pinost rito. Naman kasi, bakit di mo na lang sabihin? Sabi ko nga sa iyo basta ako, I did! Yun lang, at least I was able to do it bago nangyari ang lahat. Hep, ‘wag ka na magtanong kung ano yun at ‘wag mo na rin itanong kung sino nga ba yun noh! Basta, ayoko na pag-usapan!

Pero somehow relate rin ako sa song. Parang loving someone from a distance. Yun distance doesn’t necessarily mean na malayo talaga siya kasi minsan andyan lang naman pero di mo lang talaga malapitan; o malapitan mo man di mo naman magawang sabihin ang laman ng iyong kalooban. Pero sa song na ito ang dilemma is about not exactly knowing how to say it..bakit ba, isn’t an honest to goodness “I love you” enough? Minsan kasi in an attempt to make it romantic parang di na seryoso yun dating eh, parang drama lang, parang movie, parang fairytale, parang ang hirap na maniwala. Basta, sa aking palagay (kahit di ako mapalagay?), the best pa rin yun sabihin mo na lang na love mo then support your claim with actions. Kasi po, loving words are not enough rin naman kung hanggang ganun lang. Pero kung puro actions lang, hirap din; kasi mahirap mag-assume.

Teka nga, ang gulo ko na naman eh, gusto ko lang naman I-post itong song lyrics na pinahanap mo! Hay..ang hirap palang maging adult! Hahaha..



How can I tell you that I love you, I love you 
But I can't think of right words to say 
I long to tell you that I'm always thinking of you 
I'm always thinking of you, but my words 
Just blow away, just blow away 
It always ends up to one thing, honey 
And I can't think of right words to say 

Wherever I am girl, I'm always walking with you 
I'm always walking with you, but I look and you're not there
Whoever I'm with, I'm always, always talking to you 
I'm always talking to you, and I'm sad that 
You can't hear, sad that you can't hear 
It always ends up to one thing, honey, 
When I look and you're not there 

I need to know you, need to feel my arms around you 
Feel my arms around you, like a sea around a shore 
And - each night and day I pray, in hope 
That I might find you, in hope that I might 
Find you, because heart's can do no more 
It always ends up to one thing honey, still I kneel upon the floor 

How can I tell you that I love you, I love you 
But I can't think of right words to say 
I long to tell you that I'm always thinking of you 
I'm always thinking of you.... 
It always ends up to one thing honey 
And I can't think of right words to say 


  1. thanks nihan for posting the song! in so many instances in my life, ako yung nagsasabi ng 'i love you.' malakas loob ko pagdating dyan e. and in almost all of these instances, hindi rin yun yung sagot na narereceive ko or ibang kind ng love yung ibinibigay sa akin. may mga expectations kasi ako. but like what you've said, at least nasabi ko di ba? but recently, i've realized that, given that i have been hurt for so many times, parang i have to stop and rethink: when do i really say i love you to another person? to whom? why? sure, i may possibly love her but i guess, it is not necessary to tell her. nga ba? ewan. trulily ka talaga: ang hirap maging adult. justify, rationalize and in the end question. pato!

  2. yep lola..mahirap maging adult, mahirap maging RESPONSIBLE adult!

    about expectations, at least level off, hirap when you're not on the same ground. life is all about relationships -- with family, friends, relatives, colleagues, your boss, a special someone -- you have to adjust, stand firm yet learn to compromise, set and reset boundaries...

    say I love you only when you mean it, to someone you truly and fully love..just make sure you won't regret it later. point is, i still believe that loving someone is a decision so you only say it when you've decided na love mo talaga yun tao, not when you're still "lost," not when you're just in like or "in lust." i still believe that there's nothing wrong with loving someone, it's just that in many instances magulo lang talaga..ewan, di ko rin kayang i-explain eh..sabi nga ni mich sa akin, "nick, there are things talaga which u will never understand, and will not get an explanation of. the best way to deal about it is not to kill urself over dissecting the why's and the how's... accept na lang and move on.. mahirap but... lalo ka lang maloloka if u try to analyze everything."

    basta, some people are making things complicated kasi..badtrip lang pag dinamay ka nila! hehehe.. basta ako, ayoko ng gulo noh.. pero sabi ko nga, 'wag nila ko i-provoke kasi am gonna give them what they want and perhaps greater than that!

    teka ateng, may gun salute na naman!!! whaaa.. parang niyayanig na naman ang paligid!!! pato!
