Thursday, March 01, 2007

Random thoughts 2 (on a Thursday afternoon)

  • Forget all the blunders; remember, hindi sa iyo umiikot ang mundo!!

  • ALWAYS think before you act.

  • On the previous item: don’t take too long though.. put it this way, when you see a fast approaching truck while crossing a street, never think about the truck ban, or speed limits, or wonder what the truck might be carrying.. duh, RUN and SAVE YOUR LIFE!!

  • When things go wrong, sing out loud!

  • There is nothing wrong with crying.

  • There is nothing wrong with trying.

  • There is such a thing as perfect timing.

  • There are still a lot of things that money can never buy.

  • There are lots of insecure people in this world!

  • Oh, perhaps they do have valid reasons for feeling when you’re prettier?!? Whahaha..

  • I saw tall people walking.

  • Tama na, uwi muna ko!

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