Wednesday, February 08, 2012


it-er-a-tive [adj] \'it-te-ra-tiv\

- expressing repetition or a verbal action (

- characterized by or involving repetition, recurrence, reiteration, or repetitiousness (

Para madaling maintindihan ng karaniwang nilalang, ang ibig sabihin lang naman nito ay yun kina-iinisan ni Vice Ganda -- yun PAULIT-ULIT, PAULIT-ULIT, PAULIT-ULIT!!!

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Friday Night Delights

First Friday of the month yesterday, and everyone who pass by Quiapo almost daily know how slow the flow of traffic becomes every Friday -- but it's horrible when it's first Friday. Since Vichie, my usual buddy while waiting for an FX in Quiapo every night went home to Pangasinan, I suddenly thought of trying another way home -- LRT Line 1.

I decided to walk with Auie to San Sebastian Church to take a jeepney going to SM Manila - LRT. At Central Terminal, I was quite delighted when I noticed that the place isn't that crowded. SV tickets of LRT Line 1 and 2 (otherwise known as the Purple Line - the one which runs from Recto to Santolan, via Aurora Blvd.) can be used interchangeably and since I have an SV ticket from line 2, I didn't have to lineup and buy a ticket. My initial delight suddenly disappeared into the February night air when the first train stopped in front of me -- the door opened into a jam-packed flock of ladies eager to go wherever they are going. Okay, I am not in a hurry, so I just let that one pass without squeezing myself into the crowded train. And then another train arrived -- and then another -- and another one -- until I told myself that I can't stand there forever. So, when the fifth train arrived, I managed to get in. 

Sometimes, travelling alone without really having to hurry-up and run against time is quite cool. I get to notice people around, hear what they are saying and walk slow. I encountered different sorts of people in that train ride:

  • there was that woman who kept on apologizing to an old lady. The story went like this: the woman lost her balance when the train door opened and afraid of falling out of the train and being stepped on like a doormat, she grabbed onto whatever it is that got hold of, which happened to be the old lady's armpit! Of course, the old lady instinctively blurted out, "aray, yun kili-kili ko, ano ba!" but the woman held on to hey armpit, as she equates it to holding on to dear life at that time. When the train door closed, the commotion subsided. The two women involved were both laughing as they recount what has just transpired, from each others point of view. The woman who lost her balance apologized again and again to the old lady, saying that she was really afraid that she will fall, so she grabbed onto anything and it happened to be the old lady's armpit. The old lady also apologized to the woman for shouting at her instinctively. She said, she reacted that way because it really hurts, and described the feeling like "parang sinipit ng talangka." But then she told the woman that she just let her hold on to her armpit, knowing that if she removed the woman's hand and anything bad happens to her, she her conscience will surely bother her so much. And they laughed as they say more I am sorry, and consoling words to each other. 
  • to my left there was this woman talking with her companion about her life with her husband, and how she appreciates the care which the guy has given to her when she was pregnant. She said that even though both of them were working, and she knew that the guy was also tired, he would still take care of her and do household chores at night before they sleep. 
  • at my back, there was a student busy talking with someone on her mobile phone.
  • one woman told her companion that the LRT management should think of ways to have more train coaches. The other woman said, "dapat siguro parang double-decker na bus yun mga train!" -- And her comment made me think what it would look like to have a double-decked LRT. Feasible or not, I thought that was a cool idea!
  • there was a group of women talking and laughing loud somewhere. The security guard later reprimanded them and asked them to keep their voices and laughter down to respect other passengers. 
A lot of other things happened until the train reached Roosevelt (Munoz) Station, my stop. I went down and took a jeep going to SM north, where there's an FX terminal going to Don Antonio. Since it's Friday and the night is quite young, I walked around the huge mall for sometime. I even met Atty. Parajas at the Department Store. Suddenly, I thought of passing by the Bearhuggs store at the basement level of the main mall, just to check if they already have a stock of the Funny Dog. Okay, I called the store on January 31 and I was informed that they don't have a stock yet, but I thought, since I am already in SM North, why not give the store a visit. And my delight came back when I saw it there, standing among the hug-gable creatures. Of course I took it home!!!

Funny Dog - up close with the round nose
Flashback: last December, Hazel, Joey and I trooped to Mel's apartment for a Christmas get together. And that was the time that I met Molar, Mel's toy dog who's super wide grin is contagious. Noticing that I was often holding Molar throughout the night, Hazel dragged me and Melody to embark on a mission: find Molar's siblings in store. And Hazel was the one who asked for the store's telephone number and gave it to me! hehehe... Now, I have my own Funny Dog (that's the store code name). It doesn't have a name yet...wanna suggest one?

Funny Dog

Friday, February 03, 2012

This one's cute -- both the song and the animations

By Chance (You and I) - JR Aquino

Girl, you just caught my eye
thought I should give it a try
and get your name and your number
go grab some lunch and eat some cucumbers
I don’t know why.
But you’re smilin’ and it’s something’ I like
on your face, yeah it suits you
Girl, we connect like we have bluetooth
I don’t know why
I’m drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we’d equal two?
And this is all based on a lucky chance
that you would rather add then subtract
You and I
could be like Sonny and Cher
honey and bears
You and I
could be like Aladdin and Jasmine
lets make it happen
La La’s
How’ve you been?
I know that it’s been awhile.
Are you tired ’cause you’ve been on my mind
runnin’ thousand and thousands of miles
Sorry, I know that line’s outta style
but you
you look so beautiful on that starry night
loving the way the moonlight catches your eyes and your smile
I’m captivated
your beauty is timeless never outdated
I don’t know why
I’m drawn to you
Could you be the other one so we’d equal two?
and this is all based on a lucky chance
that you would rather add then subtract
You and I
could be like Sonny and Cher
Honey and bears
you and i could be like Aladdin and Jasmine lets make it happen
la la la
It’s been 5 years since that special day
when I asked you on our first date
I guess it’s safe to say
You and I
are better than Sonny and Cher
Honey and bears
You and I
Are better than Aladdin and Jasmine
We’ve made it happen
Let me say
You look so beautiful on our wedding day

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

turning another leaf

I have been silent here for quite a long time. No Christmas, no holiday, no new year post.

It's not that I've been hiding in a cave or have got nothing going on with my life that I could share here. It's just that, life has been going on and on and on and on... and the sudden breaks which I took the past weeks were dedicated to hibernating errrrrr... re-energizing myself. I do not even update my FB a lot, save for some random quotes or sharing in my status update, as well as approving photo tags by friends.

Now, I stare here again with so much thoughts running through my mind, that I cannot find words to describe. I am excited, delighted, afraid, elated, confused, and all sorts of feelings that I could recognize at the same time. I don't know if this is because of the fast changes (or the lack of it) happening around me. Or it could also be that I am the one who's changing, I mean, growing old, growing up (am not talking here about physically growing up, as in am getting heavier, duh!), or transforming into someone that I'd like myself to be -- hopefully a better one.

Call me whatever you want to describe it, but am not really a TV or movie buff. Sure, I watch movies or TV from time to time, but I can really live my life without those and I would be perfectly fine. But the other night, I find myself watching a circa 2010 movie of Kim Chiu -- and I was just crying my heart out. I literally felt like there is a heavy feeling going out of my system with the stream of tears that fall from my eyes (yep, you read it right -- stream of tears!). Then the other other night (walang paki-alaman ng phraseology rito, blog ko ito no!), I watched another movie which reminded me that indeed, no matter how many times or how hard you find yourself tumbling down the hall, or your head banged on a wall, there will always be something good ahead waiting for you if you are ready to go for it.

I just look forward to positive changes in my life...I don't know what that would be, but I feel like am up to something great soon -- and no, am not thinking anything about PCW matters here! I usually am a fast learner and I can cope quite well in school or business settings -- but I guess am on the other side when it comes to more personal matters. But then again, I am not competing with anyone or anything. I admit, I get offended by people who sort of push me to go in a hurry. I feel that they are violating my own sense of person hood; they are going over the borders which I reserved only for myself. I believe that I should be allowed to go through all these things at my own pace, at my own terms, at my own time.

my Konoka Kimmidoll
And I am sure that this is finally it -- I am already leaving behind that chapter in the book called my life. I looked back at the pages earlier, but the tears no longer poured out; no more heavy feelings inside; no more what ifs or I wish -- the pages are just there. I have outlined the lessons I've learned, and turned it out into a list of things that I will do in the future -- it's all carved in my mind, in my heart -- it's already a part of who I am. I am completely thankful that God never left me all throughout the long journey. I realized that worst things could have happened if He allowed it because of my stubbornness -- I still feel so blessed.

And so, I will live my next days once again as a carefree soul who enjoy the good things that life, and everything that surrounds it, has to offer. Like Konoka, I will embrace life through all my senses...savour every taste, every touch, every smell, sight and sound...linger in the moment.