Tuesday, February 25, 2003

soul speak

It’s a special holiday, in commemoration of the first EDSA revolution. Haven’t read the papers nor watched the TV, but I could just imagine how they do it there…well, perhaps with a mass at the EDSA shrine, people gathering under the massive blocks of concrete bridges aka the flyovers, and the MRT along Ortigas Avenue corner EDSA. They refer to it as people’s power, we’ve been proud of it -- it made the Philippines world-renowned for it was a bloodless revolution.

I was only six years old when that happened, less than two months before I completed my Kindergarten. All I know was that there were no classes, and as I’ve heard from grown-ups and the radio, and seen on TV, there were lots and lots of people who gathered there. There were soldiers, I know for lots of my neighbors are soldiers and employees of Camp Aguinaldo. Perhaps that’s why they called it people’s power.

And then, fourteen years after, came what is now dubbed as EDSA Dos. That time, I’m already aware of what’s going on. I have even become an avid watcher of the impeachment trial. I didn’t went to EDSA though. Then came EDSA Tres…I’ve seen it in TV. I’ve seen how ill-tempered people marched towards MalacaƱang Palace to oust the newly-sworn President. I’ve seen how some of them ruined lots of properties and burned media vehicles. I’ve seen how some media people were hit by flying stones (which made me thank God that I didn’t pursue on taking Journalism as my undergrad). I’ve seen how groups of people were transported to the site in trucks like they were refugees (even wondered if they know where they were going and what is the purpose of going there). I’ve seen how divided the nation has become.

It made me sad, I cried at night. Perhaps I am one of those poor souls who happened to be much affected by what is happening in this country. I do believe that what happened in those three EDSA revolutions are manifestations of how God works in ways we can never comprehend without faith. It doesn't matter whether we call it EDSA ng Masa or EDSA ng Elitista or EDSA ni Maria, for these terms are all meaningless. People’s Power is actually God’s Power, and we ought to give Him back all the glory due to Him alone and not to the Masa nor the Elitista.

I hate divisiveness. I hate illogical thinking. Am I too idealistic? Am I too sensitive? Or am I insensitive? All I know is that I love my country, and I believe that God has planned something great for this little land. Now before I go deeper, have to cut this now.

Tomorrow will be another busy day. I’ve lined up my targets and marked my deadlines.

First destination: the National Bureau of Investigation, to apply for a clearance (uhmm...what if I have a pending criminal case??? Shocks! Wala naman siguro akong kapangalan?!) and have a drug test (well, uh, pretty sure I’ll pass this, unless they consider coca cola as a prohibited substance…nyehehe!).

Letters, letters, letters…one for Cheche Lazaro, one for Winnie Monsod... Research, speech/talking points, some follow-ups, etc, etc…

Then, I’ll be the documentor for a consultation on Thursday and Friday. Am quite nervous but at the same time excited for this will be my first time to do this for a big gathering, and the fact that this is also the first time that I’ll work with these people in that setting.

Thanks to CJ my hero, for boosting my morale! Sabi nga eh, there’s no water so troubled that doesn’t end up by becoming still. Everyday has always been a challenge, and I have lived that way ever since. There have been lots of struggles but I’ve managed to survive all those things. I am not proud though, I know I still need lots of polishing, I still have a lot of things to refine within me. Perhaps there are people who are against me for one thing or another, or for none at all (parang, wala lang, ayaw lang nila sa akin), but what can I do? At the early age of five years old, I’ve realized that I just cannot please everyone; and I’ve never dared try to do that again--not for fear of failing, but with due respect for each one’s right to his/her choice and opinion. Yep, it hurts to be rejected, to be wrongly accused or judged, it is uneasy to be put to test, to be scrutinized, but with an open mind, a willing hand, a forgiving soul, and a humble heart that adores God, everything works together for good. Surely I can do all things for in Him Who is the source of my strength, I have strength for everything.

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