Friday, April 01, 2005

When everything went wrong

When you realize that you are falling in love with someone you never even thought of liking. When that someone confessed that he is in love with someone else. When while crying in vain you recalled everything and every moment in the past that made you fall in love. When you know that if it wasn’t for his acts you will not feel that way. When after crying in pain you thought that he made a fool out of you. Ahhh...that’t it! It’s April fools day, but it wasn’t April when my tears fell down from my eyes..that was a, uhh..not so sweet November. And I’ve wanted to bury everything in the grave, but I can’t. His memory is like a ghost that haunts me 24/7. I thought he had that heart, but I was wrong..everything just suddenly went wrong. Ahhh..nothing, just remembering how it is to be hurt.

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