Thursday, April 24, 2014

chasing and running from that one thing called love #7: when the pain is gone

Seven years. It has been that long? I don't exactly know when or how it happened but it has. All those years, I know that the day will come when I will no longer feel that pain whenever I remember those moments -- a time when I no longer want to know the answers to my questions -- asked and unasked. It doesn't matter to me anymore whether the feeling was mutual. I no longer think of what could have beens and what ifs. I no longer wish to set things straight once and for all -- it doesn't matter anymore to me. 

Yes, the pain is gone. I no longer feel it but I know that I am not, and I never was numb. I am more at peace now -- with myself, with my past, with now, and the prospects for the future. I have known myself more -- I know what I want and what I don't. I know when to take and give chances. I know my worth and my purpose. I know what I can give and what I am willing to give at certain points. I am free -- finally!

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