Friday, August 03, 2007

random thoughts 5

  • pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart
  • it’s okay to cry
  • it's okay to mess up
  • it's okay to feel like crap from time to time
  • it's okay to complain and whine to your friends
  • it’s okay to ask for help
  • it’s okay to take chances
  • you can't control falling in love
  • time is not responsible for healing our wounds; it doesn’t erase all the pain. as time goes by, we learn to accept that we’re wounded and it will leave us with scars; and we learn to live with or tolerate the pain until we no longer feel it (or we no longer care); and then we feel mortified over the scars but then again, we get used to seeing it until we learn to accept that it is already a part of who we are
  • love is not enough to have a romantic relationship with someone. you should establish a certain level of trust and confidence and commit to work things out in order to stay in that relationship
  • often, the things that we want to forget are the things which we need to talk about most
  • if asked to name ONE thing that money cannot buy, my answer would be this: A PURE HEART

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